Like the Word of the year, Poland also chooses a Teen Word of the year. It is an annual event that has become a tradition since 2016.
There have been some famous words, such as 'sztos' in 2016, which means 'cool,' 'alternatywka' (alternative girl) in 2019, and 'Rel' (I can relate) in 2023. As we all patiently wait for the new word to be released for 2024, I believe many foreigners in Poland would benefit from learning some of the popular street slang. These include, but are not limited to:
Typ / Typek - guy (usually used with negative connotations)
Typiara - girl (usually used with negative connotations)
Stary – father (sometimes used to refer to a partner/boyfriend)
Janusz – stereotypical Pole / ignorant person (usually portrayed as middle-aged man with mustache)
Januszować – acting in a way to give second-hand embarrassment
Grazyna – polish Karen / ignorant person / shopaholic
Przypał - awkward situation (like being caught red handed)
Czad/wypas/grubo/zacnie/kozacko - terms used to express appreciation („cool”)
Seba / Sebix – hooligan
Cieć - janitor
Stara – mother
Kanar – ticket inspector in pubic transport
Burak – rude guy / someone who complains a lot
Jabol – very cheap wine
Browar – beer
Dykta – denatured alcohol
Kosa – knife
Hajs – money
Szlugi / Pety / Kiepy – cigarettes
Fura – car
Morda / Ryj – ugly face
Luz/luzik - all good/relax
Cringe - cringe (noun)
Cringeowy - cringe (adjective)
Coś nie pykło – something went wrong
Zaliczyć glebę - to fall over
Zarwać nockę - pull an all-nighter
Rozkminiać - to think
Wciskać kit – to try and ‘bullshit’ someone
Sapać - to complain/ to yap
Kimać – to sleep
Nara – see ya!
And yes, I know some of the words can be confusing and difficult to pronounce, but that is where the fun lies. We all love new challenges, especially when they come with the ability to communicate with others. So, let’s get accustomed to these words as we wait patiently for ‘Młodzieżowe Słowo Roku 2024’. Until then, Miłej zabawy przy nauce nowych słów!