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Health Insurance in Poland - 2024

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Poland, like many European countries, has a good healthcare system. The country’s healthcare system is insurance-based and managed by the Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (NFZ), the National Health Fund of Poland, established by the Act of the Sejm on 27 August 2004. NFZ is financed by compulsory health insurance contributions from citizens and the government budget, which helps provide services to insured persons and reimburses the cost of medicines.


Who is insured?

 A person, irrespective of citizenship, is considered an insured person if they fulfill the following conditions:

      -They are subject to compulsory health insurance (e.g., employee, self-employed person, pensioner).

      -They are a family member of the insured person and have been registered for insurance.

In some cases, the status of a family member exempts them from the obligation to take out health insurance, especially if they are students and below a certain age.


Financing of Health Insurance

The main source of finance for the system is the National Health Fund. Residents are burdened with a mandatory insurance premium of 9% of personal income (7.75% is deducted from income tax, and 1.25% is covered by the insured), which is paid to the health insurance institution (NFZ). However, some highly specialized services are financed directly from the budget of the Ministry of Health, and not from the funds of the National Health Fund. The state budget is allocated for emergency medical services like the ambulance service.


Coverage of Polish Health Insurance

Persons covered by health insurance in the National Health Fund can obtain a European Health Insurance Card before going to another EU member state. It entitles them to receive emergency health services to the extent and on the terms available to citizens of the given Member State. However, this card does not entitle them to medical treatment if the purpose of the trip is to obtain medical services. So, if you have legal status in Poland and obtain the European Health Insurance Card, you can travel within the EU without worrying about medical emergencies. People who have moved to another EU country for work cease to be covered by health insurance in the National Health Fund and must be covered by the insurance system of that country.

health insurance card

Is there an option for Private Healthcare

Due to the problems associated with the NFZ, especially concerning access to specialists, the average waiting time for a consultation with a doctor has increased to almost 3.5 months and continues to grow. Accessing the private option is important. A private medical package can be purchased individually, but it is often a benefit financed by the employer. It is worth remembering that private medical packages (whether paid for by the employer or the individual) are not an alternative to compulsory health insurance. Yes, you can use both the public and private sectors simultaneously; however, this does not exempt you from paying contributions to the National Health Fund for universal health insurance.






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